Thursday, January 29, 2009

A Wonderful Day

It is truly a wondrous day today. President Obama signed his first piece of legislation today, and it was the Lily Ledbetter Law. (He has signed official documents and Executive Orders, but not legislation passed by Congress.) Lily worked for Goodyear for two decades and found out through an anonymous tip that she had been making less than her male counterparts doing the same job. She filed a lawsuit and won, but her suit was overturned by a higher court, so she went to the Supreme Court. She lost. By one vote. That one vote was Justice Alito, newly appointed by Bush. That grave wrong was righted today. She won't see a penny of the $2oo,ooo she was owed, but she will have the satisfaction of knowing that all women in America, all people looking for fairness, no matter their race, gender or religion, will be able to have salaries in keeping with the real American Way. 

A change has come. A change has come. Oh, happy day. 

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