Friday, August 8, 2008

Refusing Women Contraception

You have GOT to be kidding! Except it isn't funny. Some pharmacies are refusing to fill women's birth control products! No birth control pills, no condoms, and certainly no Plan B or morning after pills. This right wing push to dictate what women can and cannot do with their own bodies has gotten way out of hand. I'm so appalled that I can hardly write this without fuming, which is not the way to try and make a point. However, I feel compelled to get my point across, which is this. What part of THIS PREVENTS ABORTION don't you understand? These measures, with the exception of RU486, prevent the egg from being fertilized; hence, there is no need for a woman to have an abortion or terminate even a barely underway pregnancy.  No fertilization, no abortion. Get it? 

But this is not just about being anti-abortion, is it? It's about forcing women back into the kitchen, barefoot and pregnant, over and over again. Oh, yeah, I forget. Abstinence is the preferred  form of birth control for the right. But people have sex and people enjoy it. They don't enjoy having unplanned pregnancies, for the most part. Yeah, yeah, there are "happy" accidents, but I believe that most of these happy accidents are actually a choice. The rest of these  unplanned pregnancies result from carelessness, ignorance,  immaturity or a combination of these, especially with teenagers.  The most heinous of these unplanned pregnancies are the result of rape and incest. And, no, I don't think any woman should be forced to carry a child conceived in violence. It's her choice to do so or not. I wouldn't. I would get myself to a doctor asap to prevent the pregnancy or stop it all together if egg actually does meet sperm. The topic of genetic predisposition or genetic problems caused by incest is for another blog.

The upshot of this abomination is that the right hates sex. They prefer tap dancing in men's rooms. 

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