Sunday, April 27, 2008

This is the beginning

This is the beginning of my blogspot. I have never blogged before but feel that it is time to voice my opinions about a range of issues. I was an Associate Professor of English at a small college in Knoxville, Tennessee, until 2004. I quit because I had a new opportunity, and I was getting very burned out with grading papers and teaching students who didn't seem to get the idea they might need what I was trying to teach them. I found they were woefully underprepared for college. More on that in a later post.

What you will find here in the future is a discussion of adoption issues, both for adoptees and those who gave up or who are planning to give up children for adoption. The topic is a minefield, much like the process itself.

Other topics may include education, politics, Iraq, historic travel, bed and breakfasts and organic gardening. These are not in order of importance.

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