Bristol Palin's pregnancy should really be only a blip on the radar for Obama supporters, and I'm one of them. Barack himself has said this should be a non-issue. His own mother was pregnant with him when she got married. The decision to keep her child and to marry the father is the business of Bristol and her family, not ours. It is not a political issue but a cautionary tale.
I have said before in this blog that abstinence only sex education doesn't work. Teenagers are not really equipped to adequately stifle a basic human urge. They also use sex as a form of rebellion, a recreational drug, a form of communication, etc. It's not smart, but neither were most of us at that age either. My own birth mother had four children out of wedlock. She had few options. (Please read the April 29th, 2008 entry.)Yes, I'm "lucky" to be here. The fact of the matter is that I AM here and writing my views and am free to do so.
What I'm really saying here is that we all should take the high road on this one. No one, conservative or liberal or moderate, is immune to family issues of this kind. It's how we handle the ramifications for all of America that counts.